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WordCamp Danmark sponsor I

WordCamp Danmark tidssponsorer

WordCamp Danmark sponsor III

WordCamp Pillar



Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over one million WordPress sites. Their goal is to provide outstanding hosting services and customer support for the best possible price. Bluehost is also constantly innovating and upgrading their services and infrastructure at no additional cost to their customers. Join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.

WordCamp Champion

Code Poet

Code Poet

If you use WordPress to build things for other people, Code Poet wants to make your life easier. No matter whether you freelance on a solo basis, lead a small web shop, make plugins in a dark closet, or crack the whip at a large design firm, Code Poet’s aim is to become your go-to source of information and resources to help you expand your WordPress skills and know-how. To make you better at what you do. To make it easier to make your living and look great doing it.

You’re part of a tribe of WordPress designers and developers over 10,000 strong, spanning the entire globe. codepoet.com aims to bring the working knowledge and real world strategies of those people into one place, for you to tap into.



34SP.com is a professional website hosting and domain name registration company offering services for web developers, bloggers, designers and small businesses throughout the world. The 34SP.com team of technical experts offers support and service coupled with a money-back guarantee to ensure client satisfaction. 34SP.com has particular focus in WordPress hosting, having supported the WordPress community since WordPress was originally developed and launched in 2003. The company currently hosts thousands of WordPress websites and is headquartered in central Manchester, England.

WordCamp Accomplice



WPML gør WordPress websider flersprogede. Den arbejder med caching, SEO og E-Commerce plugins og tillader konstruktionen af fuldstændige, flersprogede sites. WPML giver energi til enkle blogs samt firma- og forretningssites.

WPML tillader brugere at oversætte alt på sitet, inkl. Indhold, menuer, widgets og endog tema og plugin tekster. WPML giver energi til over 400.000 kommercielle websider fra hele verden.

Flere oplysninger om at blive flersproglig kan findes på WPML.org

Vi ansætter. Dersom du en en talenteret programmør, er du velkommen til at kontakte os her.

WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.

WPML allows users to translate everything in the site, including content, menus, widgets and even theme and plugin texts. WPML powers over 400,000 commercial websites from all over the world.

More information about going multilingual can be found at WPML.org